Alpine Garden Society

01386 554790
AGS Seed Exchange, 2020-2021

The AGS Seed Exchange is one of our major activities. Seed donated by members is distributed to other members. This AGS Seed Exchange, 2020-2021 is now closed for orders, but anyone can still look at the list and see what was available. Registered users who have ordered seed can log in and view their orders.

If you are NOT a member of the Alpine Garden Society, there is time to join and order seed when the next seed exchange goes live in November or December. You can do it all online. There are many other benefits of being a member:
If you ordered seed online in the AGS Seed Exchange, 2020-2021, and you wish to view your order, you need to login now.

Although the AGS Seed Exchange, 2020-2021 is closed for orders, you can still browse the seed list.